Sunday, March 02, 2008

Al-Jarida conference, and lack of intellectuals in Kuwait

I am just wondering after looking at the list of speakers of Al-jardia conference on the future of kuwait, are these names (with due to respect to them) the elite of Kuwaiti thinkers? Isn't too sad that after centuries of education, these people are the best our society can produce....What is more saddening is the level of literacy in this generation....our youngsters can't write a full sentence in Arabic (their English is even worse)?. Our newspapers writers mostly write in colloquial Kuwaiti to avoid exposing their low command of Arabic, our wealthy chief-editors (or traders) hire people to write editorials....and the list is endless.....Yet, liberals used all means to protect Mrs. Nouriyya, who's been in charge of public education for decades....not that she is the only person responsible for this...
We don't have intellectuals, people who can raise ideals, ideologies, and stirr things intellectually...We have poeple who are good at shouting, mocking each other, stirring stupid ethnic, religious, tribal enomosities...The sad true is unless new generations come up with completely different attitudes and get rid of the whole stupid cultural baggages we have now, Kuwait is heading towards more ethical decline and socio-political deterioration....

Part of this was published on: one of the few sensible voices that one can find these days.....